Inspection Readiness: What is it, why it matters, and what you need to know to be prepared | Allucent

Inspection Readiness: What is it, why it matters, and what you need to know to be prepared

Inspection Readiness: What is it, why it matters, and what you need to know to be prepared

Organizations must have inspection readiness since inspections can be unannounced or come at any time. Good Clinical Practice (GCP) inspectors use different approaches depending on the regulatory authorities for which they represent; however, all of them will verify the compliance status on GCP and other applicable regulations during the inspection.

Planning ahead to anticipate all processes are compliant means an organization is prepared for an inspection and able to create a solid corrective action and preventative action (CAPA) to minimize risk.

Watch this webinar where Ernesto Vera-Sanchez, MD, PhD, Vice President of GxP Consulting services at Allucent, discusses the ins and outs of preparing for regulatory authority inspections during a drug’s life cycle.


Dr. Ernesto Vera-Sanchez, MD, PhD.
Vice President, GxP Strategy Consulting Services

Dr. Ernesto Vera-Sanchez, MD, PhD, has 20 years of global regulator and inspectorate experience as a Head of Inspectorate for GCP, PhV and GCP/GLP, at the Ministry of Health Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices (AEMPS). Ernesto has exceptional expertise in legislation and compliance for clinical trials, Pharmacovigilance and GCP/GLP. His regulatory experience as Expert Inspector involved conducting over 400 worldwide inspections at Sponsors, CROs, vendors and clinical investigators sites for the EMA and AEMPS. He has worked since the beginning of the FDA-EMA GCP initiative in 2009, being one of the first EU inspectors attending BIMO training and joining FDA representatives in several observational and join inspections as well as in different meetings, trainings and conferences as well as with other EU inspectors. Ernesto has trained inspectors from Regulatory Authorities across Latin America and Asia in different disciplines related to GCP, PhV and GCPGLP.-Sanchez, MD, PhD, has 20 years of global regulator and inspectorate experience as a Head of Inspectorate for GCP, PhV and GCP/GLP, at the Ministry of Health Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices (AEMPS). Ernesto has exceptional expertise in legislation and compliance for clinical trials, Pharmacovigilance and GCP/GLP. His regulatory experience as Expert Inspector involved conducting over 400 worldwide inspections at Sponsors, CROs, vendors and clinical investigators sites for the EMA and AEMPS. He has worked since the beginning of the FDA-EMA GCP initiative in 2009, being one of the first EU inspectors attending BIMO training and joining FDA representatives in several observational and join inspections as well as in different meetings, trainings and conferences as well as with other EU inspectors. Ernesto has trained inspectors from Regulatory Authorities across Latin America and Asia in different disciplines related to GCP, PhV and GCPGLP.

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