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Study Start-Up & Site Intelligence

Helping you accelerate timelines and increase efficiencies


Clinical study startup, one of the key cost drivers in your program, requires strong management of critical, time-sensitive deliverables. Data-driven decision-making in study site selection, strategic submission planning and delivery, collection of required documents for site activation, and investigator contract negotiations are fundamental to expediting your project and meeting your recruitment timeline.  

To accelerate clinical trial study startup, our Study Start-Up and Site Intelligence solution focuses on site engagement to reduce study startup cycle times and increase confidence in your study site activation planning and recruitment strategy.  

Clinical Site Intelligence

Assessing whether a potential site is capable of navigating the complexities of the clinical trial and meeting the study’s objectives, whilst maintaining compliance is crucial to study success.

Clinical Study Start-up

Delays in clinical trials are costly. Reducing the time to start up a study can significantly decrease overall expenses.

European Union Clinical Trial Regulations

Understanding when EU CTR applies and navigating through the system and understanding all its functionalities can require significant time and training.


The constant whirlwind within study start-up as requires adaptation as well as identifying innovative solutions to navigate this environment. A robust planning and solid partnership with sites are key for accelerating study-start-up and bring medicines to patients.

Christine Khoza

Global Head, Study Start-Up & Site Intelligence

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